Adding new menu item in Magento 2 custom module

27 Aug 2015
Magento 2 is a great platform with lots of useful options and features. Sometimes the default options do not meet all the requirements of a project or a user's preferences. Therefore, by Adding a new menu item in Magento 2 custom module, you can implement it yourself to improve your Magento administration process.

Hi guys,

After our 4 Magento 2.0 tutorials, I hope that you guys find them easy to understand and apply to your own situation.

In this 5th tutorial, I will introduce you how to create new menu item via Magento 2 backend in custom module. We will continue using the Tutorial_SimpleNews module in the last post. In order to understand this tutorial thoroughly, please review our last tutorials:

1. How to create a simple module in Magento 2

2. Create a module with custom database table in Magento 2

3. How to use Model and Collection in Magento 2

4. How to create the configuration via backend for a custom module


Ok, now let’s get started!


Step 1: Create menu file.

- Create file: app/code/Tutorial/SimpleNews/etc/adminhtml/menu.xml (Purpose: The menu item of your module will be declared here) and insert this following code into it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<config xmlns:xsi="" 
        <add id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::main_menu" title="Simple News" 
            module="Tutorial_SimpleNews" sortOrder="20" 
            resource="Tutorial_SimpleNews::simplenews" />
        <add id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::add_news" title="Add News" 
            module="Tutorial_SimpleNews" sortOrder="1" parent="Tutorial_SimpleNews::main_menu" 
            action="simplenews/news/new" resource="Tutorial_SimpleNews::manage_news" />
        <add id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::manage_news" title="Manage News" 
            module="Tutorial_SimpleNews" sortOrder="2" parent="Tutorial_SimpleNews::main_menu" 
            action="simplenews/news/index" resource="Tutorial_SimpleNews::manage_news" />
        <add id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::configuration" title="Configurations" 
            module="Tutorial_SimpleNews" sortOrder="3" parent="Tutorial_SimpleNews::main_menu" 
            resource="Tutorial_SimpleNews::configuration" />


Step 2: Create route file.

- Create file: app/code/Tutorial/SimpleNews/etc/adminhtml/routes.xml (Purpose: The router of your module for backend will be declared here) and insert this following code into it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<config xmlns:xsi="" 
    <router id="admin">
        <route id="simplenews" frontName="simplenews">
            <module name="Tutorial_SimpleNews" />


Step 3: Add role for each menu item.

- Open this file: app/code/Tutorial/SimpleNews/etc/acl.xml and modify the source code into here like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<config xmlns:xsi="" 
            <resource id="Magento_Backend::admin">
                <resource id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::simplenews" title="Simple News" 
                    <resource id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::add_news" title="Add News" 
                        sortOrder="1" />
                    <resource id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::manage_news" title="Manage News" 
                        sortOrder="2" />
                    <resource id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::configuration" title="Configurations" 
                        sortOrder="3" />
                <resource id="Magento_Backend::stores">
                    <resource id="Magento_Backend::stores_settings">
                        <resource id="Magento_Config::config">
                            <resource id="Tutorial_SimpleNews::system_config" 
                                title="Simple News Section" />


Finally, access to the backend site then clear Magento cache and see your result:

And this is the additional role (System > Permissions > User Roles):


I hope this tutorial is useful for you. In next tutorials, I will introduce you “Grid and Form in Magento Admin Panel”, because the next tutorial will be very long so I will extract it to some parts. See you again in our next Magento 2 tutorial.

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