Update One Step Checkout Pro_v3.4.1.1 and Reward Points Pro_v4.3.0
One Step Checkout Pro version
We all try to get the best extensions for our customers. With this One Step Checkout Pro extension, we fixed bugs and added more features to update the extensions better and more helpful for customers.
With One Step Checkout Pro_v3.4.1.1, we made One Step Checkout Pro compatible with CE 1.9.X and EE 1.14.X. By this way, it is easier for all users to install and use our extension, and to help users to decrease almost the problems on the site. Beside the upgrades, the three main bugs are also fixed in this updated version:
* Fixed bug miss file js.
* Fixed bug delivery: cannot re-select current day.
In the old version, you cannot re – select the day after having chosen it. But now, it is easy for you to select the current day again.
* Support site https.
Reward Points Pro version 4.3.0
With Reward Points Pro v_4.3.0, we made 6 upgraded features for users to install and use.
+Compatible with CE 1.9.X and EE 1.14.X
+Support multiple shipping for types of products: simple – for the products have only 1 option, configurable – for the products have multiple options, bundle – for the group products.
+ Support set "sell products in points" and "individual earn point" for each item of products: configurable, group, bundle.
+ Add option to allow/disallow using points and default coupon code together.
+ Allow to count TAX after/before redeem point.
+ Edit text for"Sell products in points".
Moreover, with this version 4.3.0 of Reward Points Pro extension, we also fixed the bugs
* Fixed bug still place order when balance not enought to purchase "Sell products in points".
* Fixed bug send email when balance decrease by refund.
By upgrading and fixing the main bugs that users often get, this version of One Step Checkout Pro and Reward Points Pro version 4.3.0 will become friendlier and better for your site. More than ever, we hope that our extensions will adapt all your wanted and become your Must Have extensions on your site.